Friday, October 17, 2008

Lying Low...

I am restructuring my so-called life. I am not teaching "formally" until mid-2009. I never thought that I would be "off" from my teaching career but I am now and will be that way for the next nine months. But invitations to screen films and to deliver "inspiring" messages to students never stops.

This afternoon, I went to St. Paul's Pasig to meet their Video Production and Journalism high school students. It was my first time to visit this all-girls' school located near ULTRA. I was invited by a college classmate who was notorious as a pasaway (wild) student during our time. From my recollection, she was never serious in her studies and was a very-happy-go-lucky gal. But lo and behold, she is now the head of a some "department" there! She was very formal in her uniform, wanted to take her pic to show our college buddies how this "wild" girl is now a respected, very "decent" teacher, inspiring her students for 12 years! But she declined the photo op, hehe.

The most striking sights I saw and I wanted to shrink from embarassment---my name was all over the school grounds from the invitation, blackboard, and even the door!
While walking along the corridor, I saw an arch of colorful balloons and saw a woman statue. My friend told me the woman is called Mary of the Poor. I also went to an all-girls school in Manila and statues of saints and Our Lady are normal "tourist spots" in the premises. I guess it serves as a reminder and a guide for the wild and sinful girls to act like "angels" :)

The screening and talk went well. Had Q & A for over an hour. I had to encourage them to actively enter the entertainment field because there are only a few decent women directors, writers and producers. Positions we thought would be for women such as production designers and make-up artists, in reality, belong to the "male" species. We women continue to struggle and fight for our right to be in production...
Lying low in teaching now gives me TIME to do more creative stuff and I bet I''ll be cooking something creative soon!


  1. hey twin, everything happens for a reason. hang in there. =) and this time now you are made to enlighten the youth and empower them with the knowledge you have. keep it up! but hey, you should tell me who this schoolmate of ours is! *<|:0)

  2. :) thanks jepayuki...gusto mo da who? her ex-bf was a very popular acoustic singer during his heyday...
